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Text, photos, videos and other content of this blog is property of Jernej Burkeljca (author) unless otherwise noted.
Non-commercial and editorial use is allowed with proper attribution of the source/author. I would appreciate a notice when you use any of my work though.
Any commercial and advertising use in any media of any content found on this blog (text, photos or other content) without explicit permission by the author is forbidden. Violation of these terms will be subject to legal and financial consequences.
All content is available for commercial use with explicit permission of the author. Unauthorised use will be billed twice the usual amount.
Comments found on this blog are opinions of their respective authors.
Drobni tisk
Avtor teksta, fotografij in drugih vsebin na blogu je Jernej Burkeljca (razen v primeru posebne omembe).
Nekomercialna uporaba z izrecno navedbo vira/avtorja je dovoljena, zaželjeno pa je obvestilo o uporabi.
Prepovedano je objavljanje vsebine tega bloga (tako tekstov, kot fotografij in drugih vsebin) brez dovoljenja v komercialne namene v katerem koli mediju. Vsak primer neupravičene uporabe bo avtor preganjal kazensko in odškodninsko.
Vsebine so na voljo za komercialno uporabo ob izrecnem dovoljenju avtorja. Ob nedovoljeni uporabi vsebin s teh strani zaračunam dvojno ceno.
Komentarji izražajo izključno stališča posameznih komentatorjev.