Introducing: the H-Gang appenzellers

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Kateri od 8ih je tole ne sprašujte… nimam pojma

Borba se je začela nekaj čez šesto uro zjutraj, ko sta kot prva ven pogledala dva fanta. En črn in en rjav. Žal črnemu, sicer res krepkemu fantu ni uspelo preživeti zato se je pravo štetje začelo šele z njegovim rjavim bratom.

Po več krajši in daljših prekinitvah smo konec doživeli ob drugi uri popoldne z osmimi štrucami in rezultatom 5:3 v korist ženske populacije (bravo Dina). Barvna zastopanost pa je 6:2 v korist malarjev iz Havane (*havana brown odtenek) – bravo Klemens. ÄŒrno dlako sta si razdelila en fant in ena bejba (vse za fair play).

Štručke tehtajo med 360 in 410g, ampak z vsako minuto ob mlečnem baru ta številka najbrž opazno raste. Pred dobro uro pa smo bili še vsi skupaj na kliniki veterinarske fakultete kjer so bili proglašeni za zdrave.

Kot zanimivost… Dina je v teh osmih urah borbe shujšala z 32 na 24.8kg.

no1 first four the three


the h pack
The entire h-gang

To quote the Poultry queen of Brussels ;): “I was totally live blogging this in my head.”

I was going to do it for real though, right here, but after a bittersweet start just past 6am with a dead puppy (male, black tan)and one havana brown tan dude it was a bit of a blow to the head if you know what I mean. I lost the motivation. But after that dissapointing beginning we all got into a something of a rhythm and then, 8 hours later there were 8.

Final tally was rounded off at 8.
or… 5:3 in favor of the dudettes
or… 6:2 in favor of havana brown tan.
The black hairdo was divided evenly between a guy and a girl. Their weight varied between 360g and 410g, however the variations might just as well be down to how much each of them got to drink. I’m guessing they gain weight fast.

Dina on the other hand went from 32kg to 24.8kg in the 8 hours it took to get them all out.

homer big 4

More updates and more photos to follow in the hours and days ahead…. check out the gallery for more.

2 Comments so far

  1. nadja @ June 15th, 2007


    ÄŒestitke za naraščaj! Sploh nisem vedela, da so lahko appenzelerji tudi rjavi.
    Malčki izgledajo super, veliko veselja želim vsem.

  2. maja @ June 17th, 2007

    BRAVO Dina!!!
    tamaučki so prouu luškaniii

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